Video contributions to WWDOGA 2022

You can watch the video contributions to the WWDOGA 2022 here, the playlist of all videos can be found here
Most contributions were provided with German or English subtitles. Please use the corresponding settings (cog wheel) on YouTube.

Live-Event with all speeches

Lena Nyhus, Intact Denmark (DK)

Prof. Dr. Godula Kosack, TERRE DES FEMMES (DE)

Manasseh Seidenberg, (CH)

Kerem Adıgüzel, Al-Rahman (CH/DE)

Ute Wellstein, BAG Säkulare Grüne (DE)

Evan Roman (USA)

David Smith, 15Square (UK)

Stefanie Gilles und Samantha, Lobby für Mädchen e. V. (DE)

Mikael Aktor, Intact Denmark (DK)

Lasse Schäfer, Partei der Humanisten PdH (DE)

Ephraim Seidenberg, (CH)

Victor Schiering, MOGiS e. V. (DE)

Sarah Lahrkamp MdB, SPD, 1st Chairwoman of the Children's Commission of the German Bundestag

Max Lucks MdB, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

Dr. Volker Ullrich MdB, CSU

Ralph Edelhäußer MdB, CSU

Marlene Rupprecht - The political debate after the „Cologne Ruling“ 2012

Dr. Ulrich Fegeler, Deutsches Kinderbulletin – jedem Kind eine Chance

"Medical Program at Keele University", 15Square and a medical student (UK)

Angela Schütze-Buchholz, Vice-President BVKJ

Beschneidung 2.0 - What do we expect from the guiding lines?

Santé du Penis - Guy Sinden, Droit Au Corps (France)

Why? A mother in dialogue on questions of patient education

Greetings from the Federal Forum for Men and lecture "Neonatal foreskin as a waste product"

"World History in Ballerup, Denmark", Intact Denmark (DK)

#TogetherWeEndFGM, Aktion Regen (Austria)

Seyran Ateş, Ibn Rushd-Goethe Moschee Berlin

David Balashinsky, Human Rights Activist (USA)

Jewish perspectives on genital self-determination

We are all not here voluntarily: Those affected in talk II

"The Cologne Ruling and its Consequences"

Social expectations and self-determination

Darbon Institute (Australia)

Harriet Langanke (GSSG) in Dialogue

Irmingard Schewe-Gerigk, TERRE DES FEMMES