Genital Autonomy in Social Media and other Campaigns

TERRE DES FEMMES: Campaign “Open your Eyes”(2017)

As part of WWDOGA 2017, TERRE DES FEMMES and the Düsseldorf-based marketing agency GREY launched the "Open Your Eyes" campaign. Information was provided on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram about the harmful tradition of female genital mutilation (FGM). In addition, a microsite was set up to educate people about FGM. The campaign photos show the closed eyes of activists against FGM Tiranke Diallo, Evariste Franz Kapnang Tchaptchet, Fatou Diatta, Isatou Barry, Binta Fatty and Mai Ali, which resemble a circumcised genital.

More information: TERRE DES FEMMES - Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V. - Open Your Eyes – Öffne die Augen... (

Pressfotos: TERRE DES FEMMES - Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V. - Pressefotos zur Kampagne 'Open your Eyes' (ab 07. Mai 2017) (

Foreskin Revolution (Australia): Social Media Campaigns

The LEGO Circumcision Machine (2020)

Foreskin Revolution is a human rights movement that uses art, politics and popular culture to spread the core messages - that the normal, whole body is awesome with the foreskin being the most enjoyable part of the body, and that circumcision of a healthy child is an assault on that body that needs to end. We wrap all of this in a revolutionary spirit that holds a place for everyone - cut men and their partners who resent it, intact men who are sick of the body shaming or anyone who understands that our society needs to move beyond this harmful practice.